Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

'  Visibility Program

'  Make AutoCAD objects Visible or Invisible

'  Created by:

'  Frank Zander

'  Contract CADD Group

'  Website

'  Phone: 604-591-1140


Option Explicit


Sub cmdHideObjects_Click()

' The cmdHideObjects_Click Function gets Hides

' objects in AutoCAD drawings.


Dim objNewSS As Object 'AcadSelectionSet

Dim strCurrLayer As String

Dim objLayer As Object ' AcadLayers

Dim objLayers As Object 'AcadLayers

Dim SSentity As Object


' Set the objLayers Object to the AutoCAD active document layers.

Set objLayers = ThisDrawing.Layers


' Set the objNewSS Object to a new selection set called VBA.

Set objNewSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("VBA")

' Hide the Visibility Form.


' Select Objects on Screen in AutoCAD's display

' window.


' Start processing every SSentity (Object) in the

' selection set objNewSS.

For Each SSentity In objNewSS

    ' Find the layer information for a selected Object.

    strCurrLayer = SSentity.layer

    ' Set the objLayer information to the selected

    ' Object.

    Set objLayer = objLayers.Item(strCurrLayer)

    ' Check for locked layer...

    ' If the selected object is on a locked layer,

    ' Then…

    If objLayer.Lock Then

    ' Unlock the Layer.

        objLayer.Lock = False

        ' Change the visibility of the selected Object to

        ' False so it will not display.

        SSentity.Visible = False

        ' Re-lock the Layer.

        objLayer.Lock = True

        ' Else If the selected object is not on a

        ' locked layer.


        ' Change the visibility of the selected Object to

        ' False so it will not display.

        SSentity.Visible = False

        ' End of the If statement for checking for a locked ' layer.

    End If


' Process the Next SSentity in objNewSS.



' Show a Message dialog box explaining that the

' processing is done with the number of drawing

' objects processed.

MsgBox "Done Processing: " & _

Str(objNewSS.Count) & _

" Drawing Objects", vbInformation, _

strProduct_Control & strVersion_Control

' Display the visibility Form.


' Delete the selection set - A2K requirement

If Not objNewSS Is Nothing Then


End If



' End of the sub program cmdHideObjects_Click.

End Sub


Sub cmdShow_Click()

' The cmdShow_Click Function makes all objects

' in an AutoCAD drawing visible.

' Dim objAcad As AcadApplication

' Dim objDoc As AcadDocument

Dim objElem As Object

Dim objLayer As Object 'AcadLayer

Dim objLayers As Object 'AcadLayers

Dim objNewSS As Object 'AcadSelectionSet

Dim dblPT1(0 To 2) As Double

Dim dblPT2(0 To 2) As Double

Dim strCurrLayer As String

Dim intGPC(0) As Integer

Dim varGPV(0) As Variant


' AutoCAD group code 60 sets the visibility of objects in AutoCAD

intGPC(0) = 60

' this is used along long whith the setting 1 for invisible and 0 for visible.

' we are searching for invisible objects...

varGPV(0) = 1


' Set the objLayers Object to the AutoCAD active document layers.

Set objLayers = ThisDrawing.Layers

' Hide the visibility Form.



' Create a selection set of everything in the drawing and process it

' Set the objNewSS Object to a new selection set

' called VBA.

Set objNewSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("VBA")

' Hide the Visibility Form.


' make the selection set from every invisible object in AutoCAD

objNewSS.Select acSelectionSetAll, dblPT1, dblPT2, intGPC, varGPV


' Start processing each element in the active

' document

For Each objElem In objNewSS

' If an element is not visible in Model Space,

' Then.

If objElem.Visible = False Then

    ' Get the layer name of the current element being

    ' processed.

    strCurrLayer = objElem.layer

    ' Set the objLayer to the layer information in the

    ' layer table.

    Set objLayer = objLayers.Item(strCurrLayer)

    ' Check for locked layer...

    ' If the selected object is on a locked layer, Then

    If objLayer.Lock Then

        ' Unlock the Layer.

        objLayer.Lock = False

        ' Change the visibility of the selected Object to

        ' True so it will display.

        objElem.Visible = True

        ' Re-lock the Layer.

        objLayer.Lock = True

        ' Else if the selected object is not on a

        ' locked layer.


        ' Change the visibility of the selected Object to

        ' True so it will display.

        objElem.Visible = True


    ' End if for checking for a locked layer.

    End If

    ' End if for checking for a non-visible drawing

    ' element.

End If


    ' Process the next drawing element.




' Display a message dialog box explaining that the

' processing for the entire drawing is done.

MsgBox "Done Processing entire drawing.", _

vbInformation, strProduct_Control & _



' Delete the selection set - A2K requirement

If Not objNewSS Is Nothing Then


End If


' Display the visibility Form.


' End of the Sub program cmdShow_Click

End Sub


Sub cmdExit_Click()

'Unload the current form

Unload Me

End Sub